Lit by Love always Ken love mum xxxxxxx 25th March 2015
With doing the photo book, putting in all photos of every one and photos of great great grandparents, then you boys as babies & grandchildren nephews & nieces we have all been thinking of nice things in the past. Anne Marie & Steve think the books are ace, even though there were a few printing errors, just redone the book & sent off, it was a printing fault on both books & not what I had done.Hoping this book is ok when it comes.....then I've to think of who I think should give the other two books to?? Would have been nice to give boys one, only thing they don't know any one in the book only Richy, Craig, Mark, Steve & Anne Marie & myself, Shanny couldn't tell them ether. It's such a shame our family hardly know the boys or them us xxxxxx